Historically, civilisations have grown, flourished then gone into decline, usually succumbing to a greedy vandalistic order. Now humanity has achieved a global presence, and as such, it has come to a ........
Infinity may be timeless, but evolution is enslaved by time. ‘Nature’ is the face of evolution. Legal tender for Nature is energy. Energy can transform itself into matter, which may be inert or living ........
The following is an update of an existing blog that needs upgrading. Would you please do so.RegardsKeithTHE IMPORTANCE OF INSTINCTA basic distinction between inert matter and living matter, is that al ........
A basic distinction between inert matter and living matter, is that although inert matter may suffer change, living matter is able to progress change. On that basis, one can reasonably conclude th ........
While change may happen randomly, evolution is a progression. The basic distinction between inert matter and living matter, is that although inert matter may suffer change, living matter is able to pr ........
A balanced environment is a productive environment. The debate about the impact that our species is having on environmental balance incorporates science, politics, guesswork and lies. Mankind’s ma ........
The natural environment of this planet is experiencing traumatic change. The physical environment is affected by climate destabilisation, the biological by species extinction, and humanity’s socia ........
We are comfortable with the idea that energy created the universe. After the ‘Big Bang’ energy began to form into matter. Matter is apparent as a balance between inert and living material.With four-fi ........
Part 6aGetting the ball rolling will require a major rebalance of humanity’s cultural, spiritual and motivational foundations. With the private sector actively resisting change, a revolution is needed ........
Part 5aA materialistic society discounts the intangibles that gave many “primitive” societies; their cultures now a casualty of “progress”; a wonderful sense of purpose and belonging. For them, effect ........
Part 4aIn 1950 an ounce of gold sold for around $40. At that time, the basic wage in Australia was about $2,000/annum, equivalent to 50 ounces of gold. Now the price of gold is touching $2000 an ounce ........
Part 3aA child’s formal education starts with enhancement of their communication skills. That facilitates their next phase of development, which is to reinforce boundaries, establish social ethics and ........
Part 2aWhen an individual’s voice is discounted, when they are deprived of access to a functional education, or when they are left without a challenge, then the outcome for their community is going to ........
Part 1aScience and technology underpin social commerce. Art is the organic counterbalance to science and technology. Art is responsible for sculpting our species’ presence in the broader ecosystem. It ........
Operation of a community involves a “public” sector and a “private” sector. Governance evolved as a means of regulating a community’s access to the natural commons. In the hands of the public sector, ........
Education signposts the path to enlightenment. Without an education that delivers a common appreciation of civilized behavior, social chaos would prevail. For education to be effective, integrity of c ........
To be sustainable, all life needs fair access to the natural commons. The commons are the inorganic matrix of land, water, air, etc. that support life, and any claim to exclusive ownership cannot be s ........
Humanity requires a realistic eco-philosophy. One that advocates a lifestyle built on the principle of governance by the people for the planet. One that promotes religion as a personal relationship wi ........
Whether it be on the scale of the universe, a galaxy, our solar system, an ecosystem, a species, or an individual organism, the existence of each is a product of balance. Balance buys time needed for ........
It is no exaggeration to say a Rainbow is the icon for life on Earth. Rainbows reveal the energy spectrum that supports most life on Earth. The longer wavelengths (infra-red) provide a source of therm ........
The trading of skills, productivity and resources, is a corner stone of human settlements.In a healthy community that process is fair.Money homogenises trading. It evens our the highs and the lows, su ........