The Case for Spiritual Energy

We are comfortable with the idea that energy created the universe. After the ‘Big Bang’ energy began to form into matter. Matter is apparent as a balance between inert and living material.
With four-fifths of the energy or mass existing in our Universe continuing to evade scientific explanation, we can reasonably assume that our understanding of energy is incomplete. What we do know, is that while energy can convert to matter, it cannot be diminished in total.
What is the difference between an inorganic molecule and that of an living cell? Both are compounds formed by chemical bonding. Using high magnification, we can look into a living cell and recognise that there is a fundamental difference. Each cell has a common feature that we call a chromosome. Further magnification would reveal that the chromosome contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). An individual’s DNA provides them with access to a knowledge resource that extends back to the beginning of life. It also sets the stage for their physical and mental development.
While DNA has mass, that mass is a theatre for a greater energy that is life. We might call that instinctive, genetic, personal or spiritual energy. Whatever, unlike the knowledge held by our brains, that energy it is not truncated by the death of an organism.
Society is suffering the consequences of replacing its understanding of spiritual energy with the worship of materialism. Recognising that mistake is critical for restoring a balanced relationship with the natural world.
How do dense flocks of birds doing aerial gymnastics communicate, flashes from fire flies synchronise, and solid schools of bait fish react simultaneously to threats? Is there such a thing as mental telepathy? Communicating is an action, and actions require energy.
DNA enables living organisms to communicate in a way that is not available to inert matter. Communication facilitates collaboration. Collaboration is what enabled that single celled organism to father the web of life as it now exists on this planet. Inert matter may suffer change, but living matter is responsible for the directional change that sustains evolution.

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