Education signposts the path to enlightenment. Without an education that delivers a common appreciation of civilized behavior, social chaos would prevail. For education to be effective, integrity of content, spiritual robustness, and technological merit must be balanced.
The rewards that stem from a balanced education feature civilized group behavior, a high degree of trust between individuals, a willingness to share, and the promise of sustainable co-existence. Education reinforces a fundamental ethic; namely that you treat others as you would have them treat you; while providing the individual with an introduction to communal life.
Educating involves formal and informal teaching designed to enhance an individual’s potential, but perhaps more importantly, it leaves that person comfortable with the idea that to work for the common good is simply to pay for one’s keep. Should that logic fail to resonate, individuals may well view access to communal assets as their birthright, and selfishness will prevail to the detriment of social accord.
We might seek to educate everyone about the need to restore natural balance, but that raises an interesting conundrum. Many of the so called ‘primitive’ cultures already understand that value of natural balance. Those lacking that understanding generally worship materialism.
As a snake sheds its old skin to emerge renewed, so must the human race shed its negative behavior to assume an enlightened condition that accepts and appreciates its connection with the whole of life. In the process, it will find that the traditional approach to education is well past its use-by date.
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