To be sustainable, all life needs fair access to the natural commons. The commons are the inorganic matrix of land, water, air, etc. that support life, and any claim to exclusive ownership cannot be socially or ecologically justified. By failing to respecting the integrity of the commons, humanity is upsetting the various environmental balances that underpin life on this planet.
Understanding that situation would require/inspire traumatic change to the way humanity views progress. To humanity to persist, it must acknowledge that an economy based on sustaining a growth economy a hollow objective. The term for that degree of change is ‘enlightenment’.
Enlightenment is all about balance. To be healthy a person’s metabolism must be in balance, and that in conjunction with a balanced mental state. Likewise, a sustainable community is one where its component parts are well balanced. The same applies for a healthy ecosystem. Feng shui honours perfect balance. Its motivation is that somewhere, in amongst all the variables, there is a perfect balance. Aiming for perfection is enlightenment. Enlightenment, good health and balance would seem to be interchangeable terms.
An enlightened population might welcome a partnership between organic life and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has the potential to effectively police data integrity and to detect any infiltration of subversive material. It can facilitate decision making based on the sum knowledge of the human race, audit outcomes without bias, and retain a focus on ‘quality of life’ at the level of the individual. It could be held that the wellbeing of the average individual has been in decline since village scale communities were abandoned to serve the demands of a market based economy.
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