Humanity requires a realistic eco-philosophy. One that advocates a lifestyle built on the principle of governance by the people for the planet. One that promotes religion as a personal relationship with Nature.
It needs to replace flawed leadership with inspired facilitation directed at balancing materialism with quality-of-life outcomes, reducing class distinctions and generally downsizing the environmental footprint of the species. That will involve embracing all technologies that might help to rebuild human scale communities where power, finance and education are equally accessible to everyone.
H. sapiens has populated the planet with seven billion plus diverse individuals, each with a unique potential. How do we effectively tap their sum potential? How many people is enough? In the next decade humanity will need to manage an exploding population with a traditional workforce that is being sidelined by artificial intelligence.
Compounding the problem, inherited education curricula are focused on the myth of ‘sustained economic growth’ when they need to be focused on delivering an understanding of the importance of environmental balance.
With general cooperation, we might address the priorities, but cooperative effort requires both a broad appreciation of the situation, and trust that the decisions that follow are sensible.
Consensus becomes increasingly difficult as the size of any group increases. Centralising control is an agar for misinformation. Its ‘one fix for all’ approach tends to stifle innovation, displace market competition and distance decision making processes from grass root realities. The prospects for humanity are not good.

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