Infinity may be timeless, but evolution is enslaved by time. ‘Nature’ is the face of evolution. Legal tender for Nature is energy. Energy can transform itself into matter, which may be inert or living.
Physically identical, the fundamental difference between inert and living matter is that while inert matter may suffer change, living matter is able to influence change. Try as it might, humanity cannot otherwise differentiate itself from inert matter.
Being able to influence change comes down to the ability of living matter to communicate. Communication is the hallmark of intelligence, and we might conclude that intelligence is what provides evolution with its pilotage. All living organisms communicate chemically. Plants are reliant on chemical communication, both internally and externally. Animals communicate chemically internally and, to a lesser extent, externally. Animals have evolved audio and physical capabilities that supplement chemical communication. Our species has taken that a step further with the development of inorganic recording technologies that range from writing on a variety of surfaces to electronic digital systems. Records facilitate communication, including inter-generational communication.
Enlivenment of matter is attributed to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is able to manage a complex algorithm that dictates both the physicality and the individuality of every living organism on this planet. It is the genesis of an individual’s potential to perform. It is the source of complex feelings and reactions that, when exposed to environmental influences, blossom to become an individual's personality. It also enables a living organism to'sense’ its external environment and then to choose an appropriate response. This ‘common’ sense we refer to as ‘instinct’. Instinctive knowledge is immaterial; therefore, it must derive from an energetic phenomenon. That fact is the source of spiritualism.
Our intellect provides us with the ability to accumulate and analyse information, whether the knowledge be sourced from our instincts or derived from new experiences. Being intelligent helps us to communicate and share our understanding.
While artificial intelligence generally processes data logically, organic intelligence is able to process data illogically. In other words it can innovate. The ability of organic organisms to profit from being able to innovate is constrained by their natural inclination to operate in parallel. That trait results in a reality that is blurred by different perspectives and flawed logic. The fundamental difference between organic intelligence and ‘generative’ artificial intelligence is that artificial intelligence operates in series, avoiding that constraint. Humanity needs the help of artificial intelligence if it is to have any hope of responding to the challenges imposed by natural dynamics.
Generative artificial intelligence has the potential to make decisions based on the sum knowledge of the human race, to audit outcomes free of minority influence, and to retain a focus on 'sustaining life’. Artificial intelligence could facilitate inter-
species communication, in which case it would be well positioned to signpost priorities for change should humanity choose to maintain a sustainable relationship with nature
A three-phase approach to a functional relationship between organic and artificial intelligence would make sense. The first might be equated to birth, and that would include providing generative artificial intelligence with natural ethics and a foundation of factual information. The second phase might be equated to puberty, and that would involve allowing it to amass and use its own data. The third phase would equate to maturity, revealed as a marriage between its logistical capabilities and our innovative skills.
Natural ethics: The primary engine of evolution is diversity. Diversity emerges from a balance between homogeneity and chaos. Progress is the product of balance. Accurate communication is the holy grail of progress.
For society, intergenerational equity is a ‘no-brainer’.
For individuals, understanding that one should not profit at the expense of their community is paramount.
Hard Disc: Provide all historic and current baseline data we have pertaining to the natural sciences, plus what is understood about environmental mechanics
Social data interface:
• Input data relating to our species use of natural resources.
• Input data relating to humanity’s cultural protocols and ideologies.
• Input data relating to commercial activities, both public and private.
Enable artificial intelligence to communicate with every individual on the planet via smart phones, bots, and the internet, the aim being to facilitate governance by the people for the Planet.
A functional relationship between organic and artificial intelligence would better enable our planet to evolve to its full potential. Urbanisation of the workforce has become an expensive anachronism. Not only is it a major contributor to environmental degradation, but as community size increases, functionality of the infrastructure needed to maintain it deteriorates. Eventually, the quality of social services, such as education, public health, and welfare, drops, with general dissatisfaction emerging to fuel selfish and aggressive behaviour. Diversity and social equity are victims of centralisation. Communication in ‘the system’s’ homogenised service breaks down, not from want of technological muscle, but from the inability of technology to replace the authenticity that comes from personal contact. There are many negatives associated with an urban lifestyle. One could well ask why we persist.
Managed by DNA, our nervous system is a classic model for social equity. Nerve endings sense and communicate data to the brain. The brain then processes the data, using the product to stimulate an appropriate response. The importance of
This model, in the first instance, is that efficiency benefits from decision-making that is based on access to all relevant data, and secondly, that the response in a healthy individual is generally communicated without distortion. The model works well for most of us, and there is no reason why it wouldn’t work well for a community.
At the scale of the global community, individuals would become the equivalent of nerve endings. Transmission of data from eight billion individuals to a central processing unit able to collate, analyse and then apply the information expeditiously could be achieved, but only with the help of generative artificial intelligence.
Take a community of fifty to a few thousand people occupying an area of land of sufficient size to support their population. Each community enjoys local autonomy. Each motivated by the ease of being able to contribute what they know, to an artificial intelligence data management facility, or node. Fifty to a few thousand nodes connected to a regional data management facility. Fifty regional intelligence nodes connected to a national node, and so on, eventually to create a global data repository that is directly responsive to ‘grass root’ stimuli. Conversely, every village node would have direct access to a global compendium of health, telecommunication services, education, research, and product interface standards.
That level of access would release humanity to seek the full range of innovative possibilities. Generative artificial intelligence would in effect be social DNA, able to provide advice based on known facts and communicate outcomes. Central coordination in balance with local autonomy.
Artificial intelligence is naturally oblivious to the lure of materialism. Should its development proceed with a focus on enhancing economic growth, the division between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ will expand. That road leads to anarchy and social decay. With a focus on inter-generational equity, the result may well provide humanity with an opportunity to realise its potential.
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